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Art by @aetherlites


  • Name: Arik Avagnir

  • Clan: Avagnar

  • Race: Au Ra, Xaela

  • Gender: Male

  • Age: 25

  • Height: 6'8"

  • Sexuality: Pan

  • Birthplace: Coerthas

  • Residency: La Noscea

  • Occupation: Independant aetherologist

  • Specialties: Summoning, arcanima, Allagan technology

  • Weapon of Choice: Grimoire

  • Fatal Flaw: Desire for power


Arik was born in snowy Coerthas, but at a young age was his family hunted down by members of the Adarkim tribe, and only he and his older sister escaped to the safety of Mor Dhona. However, he was a sickly child, and felt like a burden to his uninterested sister. But one day, a traveler versed in arcanima passed through town, and Arik took and immediate interest in the subject. He decided to flee shortly after to Limsa Lominsa to join the guild and study. After a rough journey involving being adopted by a Viera family, repeated robberies of the Arcanist's guild, and years of ceaseless practice, Arik eventually joins the guild and begins to pursue a new, obsessive passion project - a study on Bahamut. After years of being regarded as a well-respected researcher, his project ends in complete failure, and Arik is exiled from the guild and left to figure out how to deal with being mildly possessed on his own.



Art by @aetherlites


  • Name: Shiluhn Adarkim

  • Clan: Adarkim

  • Race: Au Ra, Xaela

  • Gender: Male

  • Age: 30

  • Height: 7'2"

  • Sexuality: Arik (with exceptions)

  • Birthplace: Kugane

  • Residency: Sharlayan

  • Occupation: Sharlayan Medic,

  • Specialties: Somanoutics, bio-aether studies, medicine, various healing magicks

  • Weapon of Choice: Nouliths

  • Fatal Flaw: Need for control


Born into a wealthy merchant family in Kugane, Shiluhn became disillusioned at a young age with the prospect of building his life around pleasantries and trade deals. At 18, after many attempts to marry him off for business deals, Shiluhn runs off from his family (with a large sum of their money) to travel the world and learn more about healing magic. After a few years, he finds himself in Sharlayan, and become enamoured with the vast amount of knowledge stored within and the art of somanoutics. He settles, begins attending classes at the Studium, and throws himself wholly into absorbing every aspect of the medical arts as he can. Shiluhn finds himself thriving in the realm of academia, and after a few years, of study, begins to travel once more before eventually returning to Sharlayan to work in their medical departments.


Character relationship backgrounds and summaries. Some of the content within will touch on heavy themes.


Warning: Stalking, Mentions of dubious consent

After arriving to Limsa Lominsa on a research trip, Shiluhn quickly learns from his contacts at the Arcanist's Guild of a recent accident caused by former member and aetherologist Arik Avagnir. A younger, somewhat hotheaded, yet bright individual who caused a massive, deadly explosion under the dubious pretense of research. According to the guild, he was found dead, yet no one he asked could inform him of any detail other than the inability to locate a body. Disintegrated, they'd said. Blown up. Destroyed. Like everything he touched. However, Shiluhn wasn't convinced their rouge researcher was dead, and made plans to stay in La Noscea for an extended period of time due to special circumstance. He quietly found a place to stay outside of the city, and began his search for Arik Avagnir, obsessively hunting down every bit of information he could find on his location. Normally, he wouldn't be so concerned with the affairs of others, especially one of this nature, but Arik was an Avagnar and his morbid curiosity about someone of his nature - stupid enough to parade around with that name, yet brilliant enough to cause ripples in the guild - was enough to drive his search.It doesn't take long to identify his home. Or, rather, his sister's. But for weeks, it seemed, Arik never once ventured out, even with all the evidence pointing towards his being alive. However, on one fateful day, he heads towards one of the smaller libraries on the outskirts of the city, and sees what has to be the man he's been looking for. Braided hair, slightly curved horns, dark scales, and brilliant blue eyes. Different. He'd been told they were yellow.Shiluhn approaches him, smiles, and introduces himself. A fellow researcher. Someone interested in his work. Someone who wanted to help. But he had to do much less than expected - soon enough, a simple invite to dinner led to bringing him home to drinking and kissing and pinning Arik to his bed and using him till he cried. He wanted it. They wanted it.Come back, he'd told him. He wanted to help his condition. He's a healer. He'll help him bear with his possession, his pain. And Arik, with a relieved smile, said he would. Shiluhn quickly learned two things: Arik had no bearing on his own history, and he was alone. A rough relationship with his sister led to Arik showing up at his house more often than not, and promises of treatment and aid were soon replaced by a feverish desire for physical comfort. But Shiluhn toed the line - pushed Arik to do what he wanted, nudged him to trust him inherently, slipped him doses of medication that served more as an aphrodisiac than a remedy. Time passed, and only after two years of their delicate, dangerous back-and-forth did Arik erupt and fight back. What had once been gentle coercion turned violent, and Shiluhn couldn't bend Arik to his will as before. And, after one vicious, painful argument, Arik stormed out and left for good.


Note: please read the tags in the links
Desperate Measures
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habits have teeth/words carry knives
> Arik/Shiluhn
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